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The numbers in Miller talk to Washington don't add up - ( see presentation below ).
It looks as if LLNS needs more than 535 FTE's to go before September of 2008. I suspect they'll do just as they've said today in their telecast, but behind the scenes an additional 50 people per 30 day rolling period will also be released making the total head count released between May and September of 2008 more like 735 FTE's. By doing so LLNS can release an extra 200 people at the rate of 50 per month and they don't have to report this action to the newspaper. This will give LLNS the 1000 people they originally needed in the first place for the VSSOP to balance the budget, ( for now ). If you noticed he didn't say we were going to repeat this next year but he did say "I don't have any control over the federal budget" and in the same breath said he, "expects we have a shortfall in FY-09". So realisitcally the answer to the question of wether we are going to have an ISP in FY-09 is YES.
LLNL future doesn't look pretty to me at all. LLNS has openly said, "it's not their job to find work for the complex, its the job of the engineers and scientist to bring in work". Knowing that most of those with experience on how to do this will be gone soon; how can anyone believe there's going to be work at LLNL to do at all. It's the domino affect. No work equals no need for employees. Less employees equates to more downsizing which consequently means more pats on the back to LLNS from NNSA for doing such a SH job, as the complex gets smaller, smaller and smaller. Soon it will be a "think tank" just as we were told many years ago.
Mission accomplished LLNS. Miller Presentation To Washington
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Any regular readers in HR or management got a timeline on coming layoffs?
So, if any of these 535-735 employees where TCP-1 under 50 years old how is this going to affect their retriement plans?
Secondly since most of the people had a verbal promise that all Term and Contract would be gone before any FTE was fired, can they be sued for breech of contract. After all there is such a thing as a verbal contract and it doesn't have to be in writing, it only has to be implied. $$$
$100M, or how about $735M put into each person 401k tax free to make up for all the abuse, pain and suffering. That's $1M per FTE released without reasonable cause.
As you well know this loss in court will come directly out of LLNS fee and the operational funds for LLNL, NOT DOE's pocket; and that will make us almost even.
Okay play us for stupid. What this stuff about congress had a $1B shortfall in the Waters Appropriation Bill and couldn't find any other way to deal with it except to destroy the national labs, put people in the streets,and take their pensions away.
Are you kidding me. Those buffoons in Washington DC are spending $11B a month on war that in the end we'll get nothing out of, so what the heck is a $1B.
It's freaking chump change you moron.
Did you allow them to blow that smoke up you butt without laughing in their face? I'd have busted up so hard in front of them it would have been impossible to stop.
If you walked away feeling good about that crock of garbage that was sent your way, then you need to retire by the close of business tomorrow, son.
The guy that stood up in front of all you people and told it like it was has more nerve and guts than you'll ever have.
The sad part is he's only 1 in 8000. That doesn't say much about the rest of us.
"Secondly since most of the people had a verbal promise that all Term and Contract would be gone before any FTE was fired ..."
Where did you get that data from? That sounds like an absurd generalization with no way to back it up. Who are "most of the people"?
When were these verbal promises supposedly made, anyway?
"The guy that stood up in front of all you people and told it like it was has more nerve and guts than you'll ever have"
What was shocking is no one in the audience applauded him. This is a reflection of what kind of people we have at LLNL. Divided, we fall.
We may be bright but we have g.... guts!
Anyone who has worked for the lab for a long time was told contract tech were always the first ones to go before any FTE ever was to be fired. Term employees was just a way for LLNL to get good quality help with no real obligation and as you can see there will never be an FTE status again unless you are a 200 series.
Terms at one time held no better status than a contract employee, but all of a sudden in todays talk the speaker said, "I thought FTE were the temporary" employees. Someone should have slap him upside the head. What a joke. Everyone now knows their status at LLNL. All thats left is to leave one way or the other.
Sure glad I had the opportunity to watch this presentation from afar and have my UCRP. LLNL under LLNS is a nut house. I feel a sorry for all of you people and the new generation of working class people. America is going backward about 70 years where there was no retirement or entitlements for the workers, while the Mafia in ULM make their golden bed to lie in, on the backs of those they rape. We have now or are well on our way of going full circle in time.
I meant NO g... guts!
April 17, 2008 7:47 PM
Was this in reference to Miller in front of Washington. If so I agree 100%. He is gutless to buy off on their lame excuse of being $1B short and they had no alternative but to handle the labs in the manner they did. What idiots we have in DC.
April 17, 2008 6:51 PM
Obviously it wasn't you. I can only assume you are a term employee hoping to save your job. You made out this year but remember we'll do this over again next year and maybe you'll luck out. LLNS will need another 1,700 to get the workforce down to 4,500.If the budgets continues to fall, so will the number of people on site. Get use to it.
I love the new drug advertisement. If only there were such a pill available for liars to take. Better yet we should feed this drug unknowingly to all members of the congress and senate hoping the affect of the drug would be to cut off their air supply for every lie they tell just long enough for them to pass out. Maybe upon recovery they'll have learn a lesson. If not, the next asphyxiation gets worse until eventually they'll lie no more. This would make space for better people and invite honesty and integrity.
Nobody applauded the brave man who had the nerve to tell Miller like it is because most of those seated in 123 were management types, and we all know whose backside thier kissing!
Some of you must be smoking something. I have been at the Lab a long time, am an FTE, but have never been under the impression that all Flex Terms and SLOs would be fired before any FTE.
I work with some SLOs, who for various reasons do not want to be FTEs, but there are no FTEs with the skills to replace them.
You can listen to the hearing at
At about 1:59 they get into the $1B issue.
The Hearing
April 17, 2008 8:23 PM
No, the management types attended GM's presentation in the morning.
The people did not applaud because they had real questions about their future and did not want to hear some jack a** make a fool of himself.
"The sad part is he's only 1 in 8000. That doesn't say much about the rest of us."
You're right. I was in the auditorium and did not hear you speak up.
April 17, 2008 8:34 PM
You are a new comer. You must have been hiding in lasers someplace. The world of SLO, Terms and slave labor.
April 17, 2008 8:58 PM
You are a coward and about as stupid as they come. That guy had more guts then you'll ever have sissy. You must be one of those buttsniff managers in ULM.
April 17, 2008 5:50 PM So where did you go to law school? There is no such thing as a verbal contract. If it’s not written down you have nothing…except a bunch of bills if you try to take this to court.
Have any of you visited NIF lately? With it's well manicured lawns, freshly planted trees , flowers and bushes. Or it's pristine interior, restrooms clean enough to eat off off the floors! While the rest of us are afraid to open the rollup doors in our buildings because the leaves that fell last fall are still outside the door, and the restrooms are as bad or sometimes worse than those at the local gas stations! It's not because the gardners and custodians are lazy, it's because the morons in charge of this once fine institution layed about half of them off! Miller and his buddies have already written off the rest of the Lab, NIF is all that matters to them. The rest of us are just numbers to be layed off at will!
April 17, 2008 9:56 PM
You better do some reading my friend.
NNSA would not reimburse LLNS for "pay in lieu of notice" for employees with more than 10 years of service with LLNL. LLNS wanted it, but NNSA said no and would not approve the LLNS 3161 Plan.
The only thing that I would fault George on is, he should have sid this at the All-Hands, instead of the weak answer 'It wasn't in the plan."
I really hate that we still have to kiss NNSA's ass at every turn.
When you talk to LLNS ULM off the record you really learn how evil NNSA is when it comes to contractor employee issues, NNSA really wants one uniform single HR system for all contractor employees across the complex, regardless of site or M&O contractor.
There seems to be SLO and then "SLO". Check out this contractor and the jobs available. Seems these guys are a small business with guaranteed contracts at LANS and LLNS. If we were smart ... we'd get hired by them.
This is a link to a Livermore job in Security Vision development
April 17, 2008 5:50 PM and April 17, 2008 9:56 PM
Yes "There is no such thing as a verbal contract." The correct term is "Oral Contract" - which is a legal concept in our system of business laws governed by the various state legal codes/laws.
"oral contract
n. an agreement made with spoken words and either no writing or only partially written. An oral contract is just as valid as a written agreement. The main problem with an oral contract is proving its existence or the terms. As one wag observed: "An oral contract is as good as the paper it's written on." An oral contract is often provable by action taken by one or both parties which is obviously in reliance on the existence of a contract. The other significant difference between oral and written contracts is that the time to sue for breach of an oral contract (the statute of limitations) is sometimes shorter. For example, California's limitation is two years for oral compared to four for written, Connecticut and Washington three for oral rather than six for written, and Georgia four for oral instead of 20 for written."
If you need a good lawyer who has won many cases against LLNL during its time, here's their address:
Gwilliam, Ivary, Chiosso, Cavalli & Brewer
Ph # 510-832-5411
FAX # 510-832-1918
Sandy Jonas
Do a searh of this blog for _lawyer_ any time you want to find them
Hello Gwilliam, Ivary, Chiosso, Cavalli & Brewer!
Do you know LLNL's employees issues?
Do we have a good basis for a lawsuit for being misled into taking TCP-1?
Can we sue NNSA for creating this disastrous situation and trying to solve by laying off loyal, dedicated people and keeping highly paid management? etc... etcc?
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