Try to be positive. Firing the right people might actually be good for the Lab. If you could lay off whomever you wanted to, what groups would you target? OK, ULM is a given. Who is next?
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Tri-Valley Cares needs to be on this if they aren't already. We need to make sure that NNSA and LLNL does not make good on promises t...
So...for those of us who remain who were too chicken or unable to take the SSVSP for whatever reason .....regrets?
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I think one of the issues is that ULM is targeting "groups". I would look at individual’s aptitude, attitude and ability (SKA). What good is a brilliant person if they can’t apply their knowledge and have a bad attitude? Or a person with a great attitude who doesn’t have the technical skills that their job requires? The lab's goal should be to keep the best people and I think that would find that it’s a mixture of FTE, flex term and contractors. Put the best people in the rights jobs and you will be successful. Also, middle mangers are a wealth of knowledge about their own people’s performance and I don’t think that this is being leveraged right now. I would hope that LLNS would go down to the workers level and ask the very same question that this blog poses. “Ok we have a problem. How would you fix it?” If workers were involved I truly believe that the decision would be better and the lab would have a better chance.
1. Lab Legal.
2. Procurement. Lab legal in laval form.
3. Public Relations. If you can't do a good job spinning for LLNL you need to go.
4. Anyone else who makes >3 trips to D.C. a year.
There is a lot of dead weight at the top -- and its bringing everything else down.
1- The bright folks that came up with LLNS, LLC...
2 - The UCOP mgrs who plagiarized the LANS bid to write the LLNS bid, without considering how different the two labs are...
3 - Security, who are turning a science lab into a Stalag 13...
4 - Anyone whose last job prior to their employment at LLNL was with NNSA, DNFSB, or DOE...
5 - Any manager who begins their sentences with... "Well, at the last NNSA production site I worked at, we did it this way..."
If I were to target a group of people to be gone in 30 days I'd take out _all of ULM_ except for the new 40 LLNS people. I'd give then a chance to do as they wish with the lab, however I'd cut their salary by 50%, or to be no more than 10% higher than the highest paid first line supervisor. I personally find these people salaries repulsive and unjustified for what they do.
Assurance Offices.
These people get paid too much just to write about other people's mistakes. Maybe if they were forced to do real work, they would quit being tattlers for DOE.
The new contract created a new Contractor's Assurance Office in B111. Just what we need.
April 5, 2008 9:42 AM
So we target the group of people who have a bad attitude.
Most of those who added comments to the blog seem like good candidates.
April 5, 2008 3:09 PM
Actaully I'd keep anyone who ever made an entry on the blog. At least these people think and say what is needed to be said. They don't bury their heads in the sand and say nothing. It's people with guts we want not chicken littles.
I second that April 5th 3:09PM!
People who speak their mind, even anonymously, are likely to speak up against injustices and wrong doing!
They are the kind of people LLNL needs.
We have a bunch of people at LLNL that are afraid of their own shadow. Just look at the results of the poll about the sick out!
41 out of 93 people said they will NOT participate in a sick out to protest LLNS mismanagement of LLNL.
That means either:
1) they are afraid that LLNS will know of their pledged participation
2) They think LLNS is not mismanaging LLNL
I will follow the rules of this Blog and keep this comment clean!
I would target all the feminists left over from the 70's.
The lab has turned into a female feminist haven. No one left to do science. Females in every department like a cancer eating out from the inside. Of course no one will admit to it. Too many men have been turned into girly men like the governer has said in the past. Sorry situation if we ever need to be a great superpower again.
Blogmaster please erase post 4:46 PM. Comments should avoid race/gender issues.
We have enough to deal with as it is, lets not open up a can of worms.
4:46 I can see where you are coming from. One shouldn't discriminate by gender -- but that should work in both directions. The Lab has bent over backwards (too much) and have appointed a lot of women to key positions -- much more than the representative percentage of women in technical fields. This has clearly hurt the Lab because gender has taken precendence over managerial ability and technical leadership.
I believe this is what Scooby was thinking about...
Garibaldi, "Now all of you have been stuck in the mid-level position, in the same department, because you have an attitude problem. If you don't like something; you complain, you talk back, you think you can do everything better than you bosses."
Unnamed, "So we fired is that it?"
Garibaldi, "Actually, more like promoted. I have decided that all of you are now on the board of directors of Edgers Industries. Your job is tell me, where we have screwed up, so we can fix it, make it better. The position entitles you to a one hundred percent salary increase affective immediately, plus benefits. One part of your job is to tell me, if I've screwed up, to stand your ground. Now if your right, you get a bonus. If you wrong, I will eat you for lunch. Does anyone have a problem with that?"
"Blogmaster please erase post 4:46 PM. Comments should avoid race/gender issues."
I must remain neutral; As a blog master, I don't have to agree or disagree with a comment; the only rule is that it must adhere to the posted BLOG rules. I cannot censor
any opinion. Freedom of speech, remember?
heu 12:31 4/6!
What is the Garibaldi dialog about?
You lost me!
"3 - Security, who are turning a science lab into a Stalag 13...
April 5, 2008 2:21 PM"
Could you clarify what issue you are referring to? If you are commenting on drug testing, that is not a security issue. If you are commenting on polygraphs, that is also not a security issue. Not sure what has changed...
I'd get rid of the two security guards who got to fire 18,000 rounds through the minigun at Site 300 in 3 hours. They've had enough fun. It's someone elses turn.
Then I would get rid of the guys who hang all the cell phone warning signs.
Then I'd get rid of the guys cutting down the trees....
Then I'd get rid the person who said we needed to take the 2 hour sexual harassment course....
Then I'd get rid of the folks who oppose the 3+3 incentive....
April 6, 2008 8:05 PM
I think he lost all of us. I too hope they come back to explain the dialog.
In regards to gender and management I must say that I've had better luck with female managers than male managers.
In terms of who should go... How about people who do nothing but complain without contributing anything at work? There are real and serious problems right now and they need to be discussed and resolved. However there is also work that needs to be done if we want to have jobs down the road.
Garibaldi quip was a scene from a sci-fi TV series. Mr. Garibaldi had just taken control of a major corporation and decided to clean house. All the former board of directors were fired and that was his intro speech to the new people.
The attitude was refreshing - we're going to fix things.
Gut Hazards Control and Nuclear Authorization Basis (USQ DSA types) by 80%.
After that everybody else can get back to work!
I want fire the person who determined that the gates at the visitors center are to stay locked until 6:30AM while they let a group of ~60 people stand outside waiting for some guard to open the gate, and while traffic is backed up onto Greenvile for 1/2 mile. There is NO reason these gates can't be opened at 6:00AM every morning, ON TIME- period, except for just plan stupidity. It's a waste for me to stay in my car, burn up gas and time that I could be on the job. Oh and don't dare give me that crock of stuff answer about how I could always go to another gate to get in. When you start paying my gas bill maybe I'll take you up on that but until then forget you even were going to your mouth.
"I want fire the person who determined that the gates at the visitors center are to stay locked until 6:30AM while they let a group of ~60 people stand outside waiting for some guard to open the gate, and while traffic is backed up onto Greenvile for 1/2 mile."
Since we run shifts, are you okay with them closing early, or are we just going to piss off the people that come in at 9:00 a.m. and want to see them open late?
Who cares about the bozo's that come in at 9:00AM. Half the work day is over by that time. You have plenty of warm bodies to take care of such task. Maybe they need to contract such menial task to Wackenhut or Pro2serve and leave the SRT to do what they wre trianed to do.
I only wish we were allowed to name the three in the cartoon. My first thoughts were GM, FR and CM. GM in the middle and the other two trying to get him to make a decision while EM pleas for mercy and ask the other two to stop the torment. Typical 111 / 123 manpower / budget cut meeting to assure all that need to be RIF'd by 4/18/08 is done. You figure it out who's who.
Gut Hazards Control and Nuclear Authorization Basis (USQ DSA types) by 80%.
Generally I agree. However, due to the LLNS reorg, the AB people now belong to Nuc Ops.
I would target the entire Nuc Ops Directorate. What a waste! WCI has taken all the power; Nuc Ops is an organization without a purpose.
BTW, the AD for Nuc Ops who was named in the proposal is now filling a made-up DPAD position and the Significant Other is filling a made-up job in CAS. These are two prime candidtates for the ISP!
Nuc Ops. This Directorate has no purpose. WCI has taken all its power, including booting out the Nuc Ops AD named in the proposal.
This ex-AD and spouse should also be on the hit list.
Our people cost between 2x and 3x what they should.
That means somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 of everyone who has a support job: bean counters, safety weenies, auditors, HR, etc.
Also, as shown above, the entire Nuc Ops Directorate can go too.
April 7, 2008 5:27 PM
I am not sure which indicates more stupidity: not opening the gates until 6:30 AM or lining up behind a closed gate when you know it will not open until 6:30.
I know several people, including myself, who start work ~6 AM and somehow can remember which gate is open.
You are an ignoramus.
You must be either a ULM overpaid bozo or some wanttabee cop who can't find a real job in the real word. If you're the idiot in charge then you should be fired for being as stupid as you are. Get the gate open at 6:00 AM and you won't have to be publicly humiliated for the press to pick up on.
April 15, 2008 8:42 PM
Blogmaster. Please bring the issue of not having the Greenville gate open at 6:00 AM to a top post so the world can see how stupid the PSO department really is. It's appears one of our finest, a member of the good old boy LLNS ULM groupy, but demoted to a security topdog can't get his act together. Want to save the lab some money, here's a good place to start.
April 15, 2008 8:07 PM
Right on! Why would anyone wait in a 0.5 mi-long line rather than go to the open gate?
It must be nice to be able to get so worked up over gate openings.
As a single parent who expects to be with the next 535 to bite the dust, I would gladly use whatever gate necessary to be able to come to work.
Get the gate open at 6:00 AM you lazy people. Leave the coffee and donuts for the rest of us. Oh, and stop catering to the topdog, he'll be gone soon anyway as will most of the PSO once the SNM is moved from this facility.Maybe they'll start operating this place like a business, for profit.
Again get the gate open at 6:00 AM
NOT 6:30 AM
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